Last updated on June 3, 2024
The truth is, everyone will develop some degree of hair loss as they age. Although it’s more likely to occur later in life, it can start to happen as early as your teens, and the earlier you notice it the more effectively you can halt its progression.
Beyond a hair transplant Perth procedure to replant healthy hair follicles there’s not much you can do to get your hair back once it’s gone – but there are steps you can take to slow down hair loss or reduce how visible it is. The key for both of these approaches is knowing the early signs.
There are three main areas of worry: a receding hairline, thinning around the crown and general thinning across the head.
Receding Hairline
A receding hairline, or male pattern baldness, is simply when the hairline at the front of your head starts to move back. The effect is one of less hair around your fringe and a bigger looking forehead. Often the middle is left intact, resulting in a “widow’s peak”. One quick way to keep tabs on your hairline is to look at it from the side. Generally, your hairline should be in line with your sideburns. If not, you may be starting to recede.
Thinning Hair
Whether you’re thinning around the crown or you have more general hair loss over your head, thinning hair can be harder to spot. Unless someone mentions you’re looking thinner at the back, you may not notice until the problem is at an advanced stage. Signs of thinning hair include difficulties in styling it, a burning feeling when you’re out in the sun or hair that looks lighter in colour. Also, if you notice that you have more hairs on your pillow or left in the shower it may be a cause for concern.
Talk to the hair restoration experts for more information
If you’d like more information and advice about your hair loss, book in for a consultation at New Hair Clinic.
To make your consultation with a professional, qualified hair restoration specialist, call 1800 021 021 or fill out a quick online contact form. You can also complete a free online assessment – a friendly and knowledgeable consultant will be in touch with you after reviewing your submissions.